one of my favorite times of the year - Halloween and Reformation. The weather
is cool and all kinds of fun is at hand.
Remember where Halloween comes
is the Eve of All Saints Day, November
1st. The church celebrated a day to remember those “saints”
(believers) who died in the Christian faith. Hallowe’en means saints (hallowe) ‘en
means eve. That’s why it is also called All Hallow’s Eve. Halloween has a long
you know that it was a tradition from about the third century? The church
celebrated the lives of those believers who were killed because they believed
in Jesus. Many Christians are persecuted and
killed today because they believe.
That’s been in the news a lot lately.
you believe that Jesus is the one true God who died for your sins, then you are
a saint. Therefore, we have saints in heaven and saints on earth. Together,
they make up the one holy Christian and Apostolic Church.
October 31st – Reformation

On October 31, 1517 the Church
of Christ began to return to the authority of Scripture alone over the
traditions of man. Luther’s point was to return to salvation by Faith in Christ alone over the works of people as
prescribed by humans. Reformation Day is when the Church returned to the
biblical teaching of salvation by Grace alone, rather than one’s attempt to do
good things to pay for entrance into heaven. The Church returned to reliance
upon Christ alone and not upon self.
October 29th - So have a good time on
Halloween. Enjoy your treats and getting dressed up. Enjoy our movie night and
the food. Just don’t forget that Halloween is really about Scripture Alone,
Faith Alone, Grace Alone, and Christ Alone. (Latin, Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia and Solus Christus.)