Weekly Services
How does God heal the suffering and pain of reality?
How does He forgive sins?
How can you be in the presence of God?
Come and visit us. Listen to some good Word based preaching and teaching supported with wonderful music.
Go ahead. Give us a shot. (See Worship FAQ's below)

5 p.m.
Sunday Services
8 a.m.
9:15 Bible Study Hour
10:30 a.m.
Wednesday - During School Year
8:25 a.m. A service with the children of our school
We are like you - not perfect, only forgiven.

What is the Divine Service? God serving you His gifts. The Divine Service is a church service in which the Lord's Supper is celebrated. It is the main service of the Christian church because she celebrates Christ's resurrection in the body and blood under the bread and wine.
Why is the Lord's Supper the main church service of the Lutheran Church?
We believe that in the Lord's Supper,
This is why every celebration of the Lord's Supper is Easter. Every Sunday is Easter. For most of the history of the church, this Feast of Victory has been celebrated on every Sunday because it is the day the Lord rose from the dead.
When is communion? We celebrate the Divine Service (communion) on the first, third, and fifth weekends of the month at every service.
I'm having a hard time following the music. Where can I listen to the music used in church? Great news, you can listen to all of the parts of the church service because they are online. Go here, to our LCMS website and listen to the various parts of all of the services sung by a pastor and a congregation.
What service do you use on non communion Sundays? The Holy Christian Church uses the services that are designed to focus on reading God's Word and Prayer. Those services are geared toward the Psalms, which is the hymnal of the Old Testament and the Early Church. They are prayed and sung.
Morning services of Word and Prayer are Matins and Morning Prayer.
Evening Services are Vespers, Evening Prayer, and Compline.
Why don't we stand for the Gospel reading in the non communion services? Standing for the Gospel reading is reserved for the Divine Services to accentuate the presence of Jesus in the celebration of the Lord's Supper. It is a way to tell everyone that the Gospels are the living life of Christ and He is here in the Lord's Supper.
What hymns do we sing? Our hymns are mostly from the Lutheran Service Book. The purpose of the hymns is to reflect God's Word that we hear in the readings assigned to the day. The music is always a servant to God's Word. If you are unfamiliar with some of our hymns, take a good look at the words see the depth of God's Word in them until you become familiar with the tunes.
What do I do if I get confused in the service? Our members are always willing to help you with the service, your children, give directions to bible studies, etc. So don't think twice about asking someone, "Where are we?" We'll gladly point you to the right page.
Go ahead. Give us a shot. (See Worship FAQ's below)

5 p.m.
Sunday Services
8 a.m.
9:15 Bible Study Hour
10:30 a.m.
Wednesday - During School Year
8:25 a.m. A service with the children of our school
We are like you - not perfect, only forgiven.
We need to know that God cares, loves, and will be there for us. He meets you at church and gives you His eternal gifts. As pastor, I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Worship FAQ's
What Happens in a Lutheran Church service? At Our Savior, we have a variety of services that we use that are a blessed blend of language that the church has used throughout her history. It unites Christ's church with her past, present, and future all in one service.
What is the Divine Service? God serving you His gifts. The Divine Service is a church service in which the Lord's Supper is celebrated. It is the main service of the Christian church because she celebrates Christ's resurrection in the body and blood under the bread and wine.
Why is the Lord's Supper the main church service of the Lutheran Church?
We believe that in the Lord's Supper,
- the bodily presence of our resurrected God - Jesus - is in the bread and wine;
- that you eat and drink a holy miracle that brings the resurrected body and blood of Jesus to us.
- that this miracle takes place through the power of God's Word.
- that when you eat and drink the body and blood in the Divine Service, you are eating and drinking the forgiveness of sins that Jesus earned for you in His life, death, and resurrection.
- that we are one with the church in heaven (those who died in the faith) and earth
- that we all believe the same thing about what God has done and does for us.
- we participate in a meal that is always between me, God, and His whole church (it is never only between me and God).

When is communion? We celebrate the Divine Service (communion) on the first, third, and fifth weekends of the month at every service.
I'm having a hard time following the music. Where can I listen to the music used in church? Great news, you can listen to all of the parts of the church service because they are online. Go here, to our LCMS website and listen to the various parts of all of the services sung by a pastor and a congregation.
What service do you use on non communion Sundays? The Holy Christian Church uses the services that are designed to focus on reading God's Word and Prayer. Those services are geared toward the Psalms, which is the hymnal of the Old Testament and the Early Church. They are prayed and sung.
Morning services of Word and Prayer are Matins and Morning Prayer.

Why don't we stand for the Gospel reading in the non communion services? Standing for the Gospel reading is reserved for the Divine Services to accentuate the presence of Jesus in the celebration of the Lord's Supper. It is a way to tell everyone that the Gospels are the living life of Christ and He is here in the Lord's Supper.
What hymns do we sing? Our hymns are mostly from the Lutheran Service Book. The purpose of the hymns is to reflect God's Word that we hear in the readings assigned to the day. The music is always a servant to God's Word. If you are unfamiliar with some of our hymns, take a good look at the words see the depth of God's Word in them until you become familiar with the tunes.
What do I do if I get confused in the service? Our members are always willing to help you with the service, your children, give directions to bible studies, etc. So don't think twice about asking someone, "Where are we?" We'll gladly point you to the right page.