Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy!
It is a comfort to live the life of Christ throughout the Church Year. The most Holiest of times is Holy Week. It is the last week of Christ's life. It is the beginning of forever.
Choose One? No Way!
It is easy to look at our schedules this week and think, "Wow, a bunch of Services to choose from." As if the
instructions from God reads, "For Holy Week, since you have to attend church once a week, choose from one of the following..."

Going to church is not about how often you go. Rather, it is a matter of God calling you into His holy presences for the forgiveness of sins. This is why believers attend church to receive forgiveness and meet with God as He speaks to us.
Holy Week

Holy Week is participating in the will of God in His last days. From Palm Sunday to Easter, it provides Christ's Bride (the Church) the opportunity to be comforted with the gifts that Jesus earned for us. The Lord's Supper is central to the life of the Church. It is where Jesus' resurrection takes place and in, with, and under the bread and wine He forgives your sins.
Please join us
all week.
"Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord."
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